September 19, 2024

Whole Wheat Crust for a Healthy Diet

Healthy Diets Begin with Healthy, Whole Food Ingredients

If you are looking for ways to improve your diet and maybe lose weight, there are small, easy changes you can make. Let me tell you that healthy diets begin with healthy ingredients. When you incorporate whole wheat crust and whole grains, you’ll add fiber, grains, and protein that will both fill you up faster and slow digestion.

Can you imagine that pizza could be healthy? Yes, it can!

Drink some extra water, and use healthy portions of low-fat cheese and lots of veggies. With a whole wheat crust, your pizza could be just the ingredient to get you into your summer swimsuit! Really!

For those of you who have to watch carbohydrates due to medical reasons, then embrace whole wheat crust and watch your blood sugar levels even out, even when you “cheat” with pizza or other dishes.

The trick is to minimize glucose levels, which can be spiked with white flour-based doughs. When you go for whole wheat, you’ll feel fuller longer and also minimize blood sugar spikes which not only leave you tired but also hungrier hours after a meal.

Yes, you’ll have to slowly incorporate whole wheat dough (crusts and pasta) into your diet. However, before long, the other stuff will seem cheap, tasteless, and…. shall I suggest it… immature!

Cook with Whole Wheat Dough

The whole wheat crust can be used in many recipes. It’s not just limited to pizza. Try incorporating the crust into any dough-based recipe, from quiche even to dessert pies. We’ll include recipe tips below in this hub. But first, here are some reasons why – and how – to cook with whole wheat dough/crust.

If you like to make homemade bread, you probably have at least one type of flour in your cabinet. All-purpose flour is great for making cookies, but for dough that forms the foundation of a meal, I suggest quality whole wheat flour.

These days, it’s not difficult to find whole wheat flour to use in making your healthy crust. Be a wise consumer and read both the ingredients and also consider the company’s other products, packaging, etc. Those who are truly committed to healthy diets do not also manufacture highly processed, sugary foods.

Shocker, I know!

Make Whole Wheat Crust

Bread-making is a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Although there is an investment of time and energy, the result is like nothing you can purchase at the store! Making whole wheat crust is the same as any other dough. The major difference is the flour that you use. Whole grain/whole wheat flour is healthier than all-purpose white flour.

Here is my basic whole wheat crust recipe. We’ve used this for years in dishes ranging from loaves of bread to pizza, breadsticks, quiches and so much more!


  • 3 1/4 c. whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 c. 2% milk
  • 1/4 c. honey
  • 3/4 c. warm water
  • 1 t. salt
  • 1/4 c. vegetable oil
  • 1 package (2 T) active yeast


1. Stir together the warm water with salt, honey, yeast, mold, and milk.

2. Add the flour to the mixture and stir until the dough starts pulling away from the edges of the bowl.

3. Take the dough out of the bowl, place it onto a lightly floured surface, and knead for 5-10 minutes until it becomes smooth.

4. In a large bowl, add about 1 T of oil, then place dough in and turn over 2-3 times to coat with oil. Cover and allow to rise to double in size (60-90 minutes).

5. Take the dough out and place it on a lightly floured surface. At this time, you can either shape it into a loaf of bread or be prepared to roll it out (or refrigerate/freeze) for other recipes.

6. If you are going to bake whole wheat bread, shape it into a “log” to fit into a bread pan and allow it to rise again for another 30-60 minutes, covered.

7. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes

Whole Wheat Crust Recipes

Now that you know how – and why – to make the whole wheat crust, let’s take a look at some recipes that will tantalize your taste buds and maybe even whittle your waistline.

Remember the key to whole wheat crust is to use whole grains, as well as healthy ingredients. Fresh vegetables, low-fat cheese, and meats can leave you filling filled up without too much fat!

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