September 19, 2024

Vegetarian Gluten Free and Dairy Free Lasagna

Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, and Dairy-Free Lasagna Recipe

I really enjoy Italian food and one of my favorites is lasagna. When I became a vegetarian one of the hardest foods to give up was lasagna so I developed a vegetarian version. I then became aware of the other dietary restrictions people in my family faced including wheat/gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance and I modified my lasagna recipe further. This is a favorite meal for my family and is often made for family occasions such as birthdays and Christmas as all can enjoy it.


  • Organ gluten-free rice and corn mini lasagna sheets
  • Organ gluten-free all-purpose plain flour
  • Soy milk (gluten-free)
  • 2 tablespoons Nuttelex (or other non-dairy butter substitute)
  • Soy cheese
  • Large Zucchini
  • Red bell pepper
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • 4 Yellow button squash
  • Can of diced Italian tomatoes with basil, garlic, and onion (or pasta sauce- make sure it’s gluten-free)
  • Garlic


  1. Cut the bell pepper to remove the seeds and place it on a flat tray in the grill (this is to remove the skin). Remove from the grill when the skin is black.
  2. Preheat oven at 200o Celsius or about 395o Fahrenheit
  3. In a medium saucepan melt the nuttelex (non-dairy margarine).
  4. Add enough gluten-free plain flour to make a mixture that looks like breadcrumbs
  5. Add soy milk and whisk until the mixture becomes a thick, smooth white sauce. Set to the side.
  6. Slice the zucchini, pumpkin, and yellow button squash into thin slices.
  7. On the bottom of a rectangle oven dish (I use a Pyrex rectangle casserole dish) place a layer of diced tomatoes.
  8. Layer over the top of this a layer of lasagna sheets
  9. On top of the lasagna sheets layer some diced tomato sauce
  10. Then layer the zucchini, pumpkin, squash, spinach, and bell pepper (this needs to have the skin removed and be cut into small pieces)
  11. Sprinkle some soy cheese and garlic over the top of the vegetables
  12. Finally layer some of the white sauce on top of the vegetables and top with another layer of lasagna sheets.
  13. Place some of the diced tomato sauce on top of the lasagna sheets. This makes them moist and helps them to cook through well.
  14. Repeat steps 8 to 13. You should fit about 3 layers of lasagna sheets, vegetables, and sauce, depending on the size of your baking dish.
  15. For the final layer place some diced tomato sauce on top of the lasagna sheets and cover with white sauce.
  16. Sprinkle soy cheese over the top of the lasagna and place in an oven at 200o Celsius or about 395o Fahrenheit for approximately 1 hour.
  17. Cut into serving-size pieces and serve with a green salad.

I have served this lasagna to people who have not eaten soy products before and they have enjoyed it. I have also made this lasagna with dairy cheese for friends who were visiting for dinner. I have found it a hit with people who are not keen on vegetables and they happily eat it as it is a very tasty meal. This lasagna freezes well and you can freeze it in individual portions for quick and easy meals. The pieces take about 30 minutes to reheat and when reheated it comes out as well as the original. I have been told on numerous occasions by many people that it is better the second day as the flavors have been enhanced.

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